FooCrypt-X.Y.Z-Core - FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Live.Linux : For Windows via ANYWHERE on ANYTHING
Hacking River N.S.W. Australia Image

Home : FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core
Documentation : FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core
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Demo : Current Release : FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core

FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core Is NOW Avilable

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FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Live.Linux : For Windows via ANYWHERE on ANYTHING

USD $99.00

FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption

Provides you with the total peace of mind over the SECURITY & PRIVACY of YOUR DATA via Cryptography & Steganography….


FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Live.Linux : For Windows via ANYWHERE on ANYTHING


Download FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core Documentation

Download FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core White Paper



​FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Live.Linux is THE Secure Ecosystem that provides you with the freedom and comfort in knowing that your

data was encrypted / decrypted in an environment, designed with security in mind.


Designed and Built on a 64 bit Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Desktop Environments With Either Legacy or EFI Boot / Install Options.

The Live Version Of FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core is a Live ISO Image instance, built using the
Cubic Build System utilising the 64 bit Linux Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Desktop ISO image.

*Containing Live Linux SOE Customisation’s with :


STATUS  : Runtime Options          : mOpenSSL -B /opt/FooCrypt-OpenSSL -c
HELP    : Available ARG_MAX        : 2084266
STATUS  : Testing OpenSSL          : /usr/bin/openssl
STATUS  : PATH                     : /usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/opt/local/bin:/usr/local/bin
STATUS  : LD_LIBRARY_PATH          : /usr/lib64:/usr/lib32:/usr/lib
STATUS  : OpenSSL                  : /usr/bin/openssl
STATUS  : OpenSSL Version          : OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022 (Library: OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022)
STATUS  : Loaded OpenSSL Libraries :
STATUS  : (0x00007ffd9c96b000)
STATUS  : => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f17b2093000)
STATUS  : => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f17b1c50000)
STATUS  : => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (0x00007f17b1a28000)
STATUS  :        /lib64/ (0x00007f17b2242000)
STATUS  : Found                    : /opt/FooCrypt/FooCrypt.Info
STATUS  : Running mOpenSSL Initialisation Integrity Checks
STATUS  : Passed mOpenSSL Initialisation Integrity Check 0
STATUS  : Running Instances Of     : mOpenSSL
STATUS  : User ID                  : 10101
STATUS  : Group ID                 : 10101
STATUS  : Process ID               : 774846
STATUS  : UID       GID       PID       PPID      PROG
STATUS  : 10101     10101     774846    770942    /opt/FooCrypt/mOpenSSL
STATUS  : Passed mOpenSSL Initialisation Integrity Check 1
STATUS  : FooCrypt.Key File Located
STATUS  : /home/FooCrypt/FooCrypt/.FooCrypt.Key
STATUS  : 5356061181
STATUS  : FooCrypt.Lic File Located
STATUS  : /home/FooCrypt/FooCrypt/.FooCrypt.Lic
STATUS  : U2FsdGVkX1/eZdfHlbIaVmue00AhaQdDMXTndnqUWUocW4LNhHpbb10dIsXPgeKe
STATUS  : XQmu6jFreycaOrPkB9wxkNr8AMXp/yYw8Z2wwxztUwYk3T9CXBPrQiQn9aPC32mx
STATUS  : System_Serial=20240401153438:BuildTest:BuildTest@FooCrypt.Net
STATUS  : FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption.
STATUS  : FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Linux
STATUS  : CopyRight � Cryptopocalypse 1980 - 2024, All Rights Reserved.
STATUS  : BuildTest License Verified
STATUS  : FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Linux, BuildTest Expiration Date : 20240401153438
STATUS  : Set Bin_FooCrypt-OpenSSL : /opt/FooCrypt-OpenSSL
STATUS  : Checking      : /opt/FooCrypt-OpenSSL/src
STATUS  : FOUND         : /opt/FooCrypt-OpenSSL/Linux/bin_64/openssl-1.1.1w/bin/openssl : OpenSSL 1.1.1w  11 Sep 2023
STATUS  : FOUND         : /opt/FooCrypt-OpenSSL/Linux/bin_64/openssl-3.0.12/bin/openssl : OpenSSL 3.0.12 24 Oct 2023 (Library: OpenSSL 3.0.12 24 Oct 2023)
STATUS  : FOUND         : /opt/FooCrypt-OpenSSL/Linux/bin_64/openssl-3.1.4/bin/openssl : OpenSSL 3.1.4 24 Oct 2023 (Library: OpenSSL 3.1.4 24 Oct 2023)
STATUS  : FOUND         : /opt/FooCrypt-OpenSSL/Linux/bin_64/openssl-3.2.0/bin/openssl : OpenSSL 3.2.0 23 Nov 2023 (Library: OpenSSL 3.2.0 23 Nov 2023)
STATUS  : Removing Temp Directory  : /home/FooCrypt/FooCrypt/20240105201319_nuc001_mOpenSSL
STATUS  : mOpenSSL_RunTime         : 2 Seconds
STATUS  : mOpenSSL_RunTime         : 0 Days, 0 Hours, 0 Minutes, 2 Seconds
STATUS  : mOpenSSL_Exit_Code_0


UEFI_22.04.3_LTS.FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Live.Linux.[ GDM3 | SDDM ]

Which can easily be burned onto a 8GB USB Disk to enable compatible PC’s to boot from the USB Disk and take full advantage of the FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Live.Linux ISO.

​The FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Live.Linux ISO can also be easily used to boot up a virtual machine running in your hypervisor of choice so that you have direct access to FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Live.Linux from your current desktop environment.

​Simply install your hypervisor’s tool set into the FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Live.Linux ISO instance, and share a local direct into the VM, and you have the most secure method available on a single PC to encrypt / decrypt your data. No need to add any physical disks into the VM for FooCrypt to utilise, as 4GB of memory, and 2-4 virtualised cores from your CPU, will provide you with a totally secure environment.

FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Live.Linux boots by DEFAULT denies all inbound network traffic and allows outbound network traffic so it is totally secure from the network side, thereby providing only local physical desktop access from your current operating system.

​FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Live.Linux will provide you with the freedom and comfort in knowing that your encrypted data was encrypted / decrypted in an environment, designed with security in mind.

By Default,

FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Live.Linux boots with the firewall denies all inbound and allows outbound traffic.
​FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Live.Linux does NOT require any physical hard disk drive’s.
​FooCrypt.11.0.0.Core.Live.Linux requires access to the serial number of the Licensing Dongle ( NOT the filesystems ).

Requirements :

Zip to extract the iso image from Downloaded Zip file
Access to the UNIX dd command or equivalent tool ( i.e.: uNetBootin ) to create the Live USB Disk Bootable Disk
[ dd if=( Live Linux ISO ) of=/dev/( USB Disk Device ) bs=1m ]

4GB RAM ( Virtual Machine Instance )
​A USB Disk ( Licensing Dongle )
​KeyBoard where Software KeyBoard isn’t required


Zip to extract the iso image from the Zip file
​Access to the UNIX dd command or equivalent tool ( i.e.: uNetBootin ) to create the Live USB Disk Bootable Disk
​[ dd if=( Live Linux ISO ) of=/dev/( USB Disk Device ) bs=1m ]

​Compatible hardware which can support running Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
Compatible hardware which can support Booting From A DVD / USB
​A USB Disk ( Licensing Dongle )
​KeyBoard where Software KeyBoard isn’t required

Check out the documentation @

Once you have completed your purchase, place the serial number of the hardware into the note to seller box as per the Licensing Dongle Instructions :–dongle​

Time To Take Away The ‘Common Flaws

Have You tried The FooKey Method ?

Once you have completed your purchase, place the serial number of the Licensing Dongle into the note to seller box or supply the details at a later date from the email addressed registered to the purchase.

“FooCrypt, A Tale of Cynical Cyclical Encryption.” is aimed at hardening several commonly used Symmetric Encryption methods so that they are hardened to a standard that is commonly termed ‘QUANTUM ENCRYPTION’.


64 Bit Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Desktop

64 Bit Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS Standard Installing To A Disk


Check out the World Wide Encryption Laws

Current Australian Department of Defence, Defence Export Controls Assessment, Effective the 5th of August, 2022

*Public Extracts

General FooCrypt.X.Y.Z.Core Windows ( Darwin )

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